Campbellton’s Amalgamation Adventure: The Taxing Tale of Three Towns, a Village, and a Hijacked City Hall

In what was supposed to be a straightforward amalgamation of Campbellton, Atholville, Tide Head, and parts of some unsuspecting local service districts, residents now find themselves in the middle of a new kind of municipal drama—one where city management seems to have been hijacked by a group of old Liberal feminist ladies who’ve decided that…

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Welcome to Tantramar: The Amalgamation Sensation Sweeping the Nation—Or How the Evil Triad is Running the Show

In a move that has left residents scratching their heads and asking, “Wait, where am I now?” the towns of Sackville, Dorchester, and a handful of other communities have been smushed together to form the brand-new entity of Tantramar. It’s like a civic version of Frankenstein’s monster, but with more by-laws, fewer pitchforks, and a…

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(Dual/Balanced) Navigating the Controversy Over Coalition Life Campaign’s Flyers in New Brunswick

New Brunswick is currently embroiled in a heated debate over a flyer distributed by the Coalition Life Campaign, an Ontario-based organization that describes itself as a “national pro-life organization.” The flyer, sent to approximately 160,000 homes across the province, has sparked strong reactions, reflecting the deep divisions on issues of gender identity, parental rights, and…

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(Right Wing) Defending Parental Rights and Free Speech: The Controversy Over Coalition Life Campaign’s Flyers

New Brunswick finds itself at the center of a debate that strikes at the heart of our society’s values: the rights of parents, the protection of children, and the freedom to express differing viewpoints. Recently, Coalition Life Campaign, a national pro-life organization, sent out 160,000 flyers to homes across the province, sparking heated reactions and…

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(Left Wing) Standing Against Transphobia: The Growing Controversy Over Coalition Life Campaign’s Harmful Flyers

New Brunswick is facing a disturbing new chapter in the ongoing battle over the rights and dignity of transgender youth in our schools. Recently, 160,000 homes across the province received a one-page flyer from Coalition Life Campaign, an Ontario-based organization with a clear agenda to stoke fear and misinformation under the guise of “protecting children.”…

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