(Left Wing) Standing Against Transphobia: The Growing Controversy Over Coalition Life Campaign’s Harmful Flyers

New Brunswick is facing a disturbing new chapter in the ongoing battle over the rights and dignity of transgender youth in our schools. Recently, 160,000 homes across the province received a one-page flyer from Coalition Life Campaign, an Ontario-based organization with a clear agenda to stoke fear and misinformation under the guise of “protecting children.”

Hate in the Mailbox

The flyer, which blatantly claims that “pushing transgenderism in school harms children” and spreads dangerous myths about gender-affirming care, has sparked outrage among community members. The language used is not only misleading but harmful, perpetuating outdated and debunked ideas that contribute to the stigma and marginalization of transgender individuals, especially vulnerable children.

Community Outcry

One of the loudest voices against this mailout is Lay Minister David-Roger Gagnon of Saint Paul’s United Church in Riverview. Gagnon, echoing the sentiments of many in his congregation, has called on Premier Blaine Higgs to publicly denounce these transphobic flyers. The silence from the provincial government on this issue is deafening and sends a troubling message to the LGBTQ+ community in New Brunswick.

Gagnon’s concern that the flyer constitutes hate speech is shared by many, raising questions about how Canada Post allowed such material to be distributed in the first place. While Canada Post has deflected responsibility by stating that the content is the sender’s responsibility, this response falls flat. Allowing hate speech to be disseminated under the banner of “free speech” is a dangerous precedent.

The Controversial Policy 713

This flyer campaign is a direct response to Policy 713, which was controversially revised by the Higgs government in 2023. One of the most contentious changes requires children under 16 to obtain parental consent before officially changing their names or pronouns at school—a policy that has been widely criticized as an invasion of privacy and a threat to the autonomy of transgender youth.

Despite the backlash, Premier Higgs and his government have remained steadfast in their position, claiming that parents have a “right to know” about their children’s choices at school. This paternalistic stance not only undermines the rights of young people but also opens the door for further discrimination and harm.

Teachers and Educators Speak Out

The New Brunswick Teachers’ Federation has taken a stand against the Coalition Life Campaign’s misinformation, urging the Minister of Education and other stakeholders to support educators in their efforts to create safe and inclusive environments for all students. Educators understand the importance of providing accurate information and fostering a culture of respect—values that are directly threatened by the content of these flyers.

The Anglophone East District Education Council, currently engaged in a legal battle over Policy 713, has also called on Premier Higgs to reconsider his stance. Council member Kristin Cavoukian rightly pointed out that the premier should be alarmed by the “inappropriate mailouts” and take action to protect the rights and dignity of all students.

Where Do We Go From Here?

The debate over Policy 713 and the recent mailout controversy reveal a deeper struggle within New Brunswick—a struggle between those who wish to uphold the rights and dignity of all individuals and those who seek to impose their narrow views on the rest of us. As a province, we must decide what kind of society we want to be: one that embraces diversity and stands up for the marginalized, or one that allows fear and ignorance to dictate policy.

It is time for Premier Higgs and his government to make a clear choice. Will they stand with the forces of intolerance, or will they listen to the voices of reason and compassion calling for a more inclusive and just New Brunswick? The answer will not only shape the future of our province but also signal to the rest of Canada where we stand on the fundamental issue of human rights.

The time to denounce hate and support our transgender youth is now. Let’s not wait until more harm is done.

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