(Right Wing) Defending Parental Rights and Free Speech: The Controversy Over Coalition Life Campaign’s Flyers

New Brunswick finds itself at the center of a debate that strikes at the heart of our society’s values: the rights of parents, the protection of children, and the freedom to express differing viewpoints. Recently, Coalition Life Campaign, a national pro-life organization, sent out 160,000 flyers to homes across the province, sparking heated reactions and raising important questions about the direction of our public policies.

A Necessary Message for Parents

The flyer in question highlights concerns that many parents share about the growing influence of gender ideology in schools. It asserts that “pushing transgenderism in school harms children” and raises awareness about the potential dangers associated with puberty blockers and other medical interventions. Far from being “hate speech,” as some have claimed, this message reflects the genuine concerns of parents who believe in protecting their children from irreversible decisions during their formative years.

Jack Fonseca, the director of political operations at Campaign Life Coalition, made it clear that the purpose of the flyer is to educate parents about the risks involved and to inform them that these policies are at risk if the current government loses power. This is an exercise in democracy—ensuring that citizens are informed and able to advocate for policies that align with their values.

The Role of Parental Consent

The controversy centers around Policy 713, a policy revised by Premier Blaine Higgs’ government in 2023. One of the key revisions requires children under 16 to obtain parental consent before officially changing their names or pronouns at school. This is not about limiting the rights of students; it’s about ensuring that parents are involved in crucial decisions affecting their children’s lives.

As Premier Higgs has rightly pointed out, parents have a fundamental right to know what is happening with their minor-aged children in school. This is not just a matter of policy but of basic parental responsibility. The pushback against this policy, often led by left-leaning groups, undermines the role of parents and threatens to weaken the family unit—a cornerstone of our society.

Freedom of Speech Under Fire

The uproar over these flyers also raises concerns about the erosion of free speech in Canada. Coalition Life Campaign has every right to share its views, and citizens have every right to receive information that impacts their community and families. The attempt to label this flyer as “hate speech” is an alarming overreach, one that could set a dangerous precedent for silencing opposing viewpoints.

Canada Post, which delivered the flyers, has come under scrutiny from activists demanding an apology. However, as Canada Post stated, their role is not to censor mail but to ensure its delivery. Free speech must be defended, even when it involves uncomfortable truths or challenges to the prevailing narrative.

Supporting Our Educators and Students

While some educators and organizations, such as the New Brunswick Teachers’ Federation, have criticized the flyer, it’s essential to remember that teachers are there to educate—not to indoctrinate. The flyer serves as a reminder that parents and educators must work together to provide students with a balanced and factual education, one that respects the values of all families.

The Anglophone East District Education Council’s ongoing legal battle over Policy 713 underscores the importance of standing firm on these issues. Council member Kristin Cavoukian’s call for Premier Higgs to “do the right thing” and take action reflects a misunderstanding of what’s truly at stake—maintaining a policy that upholds parental rights and protects the integrity of the family.

Looking Forward

At its core, this debate is about the kind of society we want to build. Will we allow a vocal minority to impose its will on the majority, or will we stand firm in defending the rights of parents and the freedom to speak openly about important issues? Premier Higgs has shown leadership by supporting policies that reflect the values of many New Brunswick families. The government’s commitment to parental involvement in education is a positive step forward, one that deserves to be defended against those who would see it undone.

As we move forward, it’s crucial that we continue to promote policies that respect the role of parents, protect our children, and uphold the values that have made our society strong. We must ensure that free speech remains a cornerstone of our democracy, allowing all voices to be heard—even those that challenge the status quo.

In this battle for the future of our province, let’s remain vigilant and stand by our principles. The defense of parental rights and freedom of speech is not just a conservative value—it’s a Canadian one.


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