Susan Holt’s Master Plan: Healthcare by Hashtag

In what can only be described as the tweet heard ‘round the province, Susan Holt recently took to Twitter to announce that #TeamHolt is all in on healthcare. That’s right, folks. With a couple of hashtags and a meeting with Dr. Paula Keating and René Boudreau, our fearless leader is ready to tackle the healthcare crisis in New Brunswick—one tweet at a time.

Now, if there’s one thing we know about solving complex, systemic issues like healthcare, it’s that hashtags are the secret sauce. Why bother with boring old policies and planning when you can just slap a #TeamHolt on it and call it a day? I mean, who needs actual doctors when you’ve got a well-placed hashtag and a social media strategy that’s absolutely on fleek?

But let’s give credit where credit is due. Meeting with actual healthcare professionals like Dr. Keating and Mr. Boudreau is a great start. After all, they’re the ones who might know a thing or two about the challenges we’re facing—like those pesky wait times or the fact that finding a family doctor in New Brunswick is starting to feel like winning the lottery. Except instead of money, you get… well, slightly fewer health problems.

So, what’s #TeamHolt’s big plan to fix healthcare? While the tweet doesn’t exactly dive into specifics (because why ruin the mystery?), we can only imagine it involves a few key strategies:

  1. Twitter Consultations: Why limit healthcare discussions to stuffy boardrooms when you can get instant feedback on Twitter? Want to know what New Brunswickers think about the latest policy proposal? Just throw up a poll, add some emojis, and let the people decide.
  2. Healthcare by the Numbers: Forget waiting rooms; the future of healthcare is digital! Picture this: Virtual appointments via Zoom, diagnoses by DMs, and prescriptions sent through Snapchat. It’s like telehealth, but with more filters.
  3. Community Solutions: Because what works in Fredericton might not work in Saint John—or at least that’s what #TeamHolt says. So why not crowdsource solutions? Maybe Campbellton needs more therapists, while Miramichi could use a few more yoga studios. Tailored healthcare, brought to you by… well, you.
  4. Hashtag Healing: The power of positive thinking meets the power of social media. Is your blood pressure high? #StayCalm. Worried about that knee pain? #KneelBeforeMe—okay, maybe not that one. But the possibilities are endless.

Of course, we’re all waiting with bated breath to see how #TeamHolt’s healthcare revolution pans out. Will it solve the province’s woes or just give us a few more hashtags to ponder? Only time—and Twitter—will tell.

In the meantime, maybe we should start preparing for the inevitable: A healthcare system where your doctor prescribes not just medication, but a curated list of hashtags to boost your morale. Who knew that healing could be as simple as a scroll through your feed? #Blessed #Healthcare #TeamHolt*

*Disclaimer: Consult your local physician before tweeting. Hashtags are not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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